Are Electric Dirt Bikes For Kids Dangerous?

We all know the perils associated with teaching a kid how to ride a bicycle. They shall fall down more than twice and will eventually learn not to do so simply out of fear of getting hurt. The same principle cannot be applied to dirt bikes as these machines are made to travel at speeds beyond the capacity of bicycles.

Gas powered dirt bikes for kids are quite fast regardless of their size and capacity. Even a tiny 50cc can notch up good speeds of 40 miles per hour. Thus, this aspect needs some more understanding before you as a concerned parent can feel confident of gifting such an item like an electric bike to your kid.

Understanding Dirt Bikes For Kids

Dirt bike riding is a dangerous sport for an adult and even more deadly for kids. However, every sport is associated with a certain amount of danger. In such a situation, it becomes difficult for a parent who loves Motocross riding to share his passion with his tiny tot. The fear of hurting him physically can come in the way of letting him share your hobby. Well, with an electric dirt bike this problem should no longer exist as these dirt bikes are made for kids specifically.

Electric dirt bikes for kids are powered with rechargeable batteries that take over 7 hours to charge and last for just 45 minutes in a single go. This makes them ideally suited to small kids around the age of 10 and thereabout, as the attention span at such an age lasts just under an hour.
Furthermore, with the bikes powered by electricity, the speeds they reach are just marginally more than what they can achieve with the fastest kids bicycles. At just 20 miles per hour, your kid should feel like he is cruising while you live happily knowing that such a speed is too less for him to hurt himself.

How Safe Are Electric Dirt Bike For Kids?

That brings us to the question, how safe is a electric dirt bike? Well, if you take in the number of accidents that kids suffer from dirt bike riding and compare it with say swimming, then the former obviously becomes more dangerous. However, factor in an electric dirt bike and the chances of getting hurt come further down making it almost as safe as something like playing basketball or jogging.

Add in protective gears such as the right helmet, the entire set of pads – ankle guards and elbow pads, an ankle high pair of shoe, full body clothing and you further reduce the risks to that of a benign sport such as Nintendo Wii. Yes! With all the gear on, there is almost zero chance that he shall ever get hurt on an electric dirt bike. In fact, the Nintendo Wii might hurt your child as he plays a game of interactive tennis along with a few broken furniture but the Razor dirt bikes simply cannot hurt your kid with all protection on.

As the age of the child increases, you shall find him or her better suited to riding dirt bikes. Soon the number of falls per week shall start to touch just one and before you know it your kid shall have mastered the art of riding electric dirt bikes. Although Razor does not officially support age groups below ten, its bikes are made to specification of smaller kids. The reason behind why they cannot promote such an age group is because of the law.

Final Observations

It seems that the laws that pertain to dirt bikes and kids does not differentiate between gas power and electric power and therefore prohibits companies from making stuffs for tiny tots. This has never stopped other companies from producing products specifically for kids below ten and it shall not stop Razor from doing so either.

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